October 29, 2018
Met Dr. Sharat Varma and his team who will manage Audeh while we are here in India. But upon seeing Audeh yesterday we were advised to admit him immediately, asked to preapare all the necessary documents and scheduled a meeting with the legal team the following day. If all the necessary documents passed, the transplant will be done on Friday.
We are humbly asking all our friends, families, and all those people who are continously supporting Audeh to pray for him and his mother Noeme for a smooth operation and fast recovery.
Reports from Gras Ya Francisco
November 04, 2018
Max specialty hospital in saket, new delhi, India.
For the past 3 days our friends and prayer warriors are asking for updates, on Audeh’s case, Liver Transplant in India, but due to very sensitive and legal issues, we decided not to post any updates for the last 3 days. Yes Audeh is still in the Intensive Care Unit, and was very ill, as per report by our Very hardworking FHM representative, Grasya.
Supposedly in preparation for his immediate liver transplant as planned. Praise GOD, today Audeh woke up and smiling thanks for all your prayers.
The real story was, we failed in the DNA testing to both patient and donor because Audeh is an adopted child but the adopted mother who is supposedly the liver donor matched and pass all the medical requirements except for the DNA and since that the Law In India requires, that the donor must be a family member or relative of the patient. Since they’re not biologically related so we failed.

Looks like we have a positive result and GOD is on our side, He moved mountains Indeed and touched the hearts of the legal team, and the doctors , now waiting for the result though for our appeal to reconsider Audeh ‘s case for immediate liver transplant in India!!! Ngayon pa palang we claim victory and we thank everyone for the prayers!!
Praise GOD!!! Thank you po sa lahat ng prayers! Transplant scheduled next week! Lets pray for the success!!! Pls pls!!! #saveaudeh #changinglives #missionbeyondmusic
November 12, 2018
He is in High spirit and spiritually strong getting ready for his MRI and ultrasound tonight, and tomorrow is his actual procedure for liver transplant! Need more prayers dear friends!!!! Though we have already claimed Victory in JESUS name!!
November 13, 2018
Last look before going to the operating room this morning in India, the mother Noeme and Audeh Josehp Guia praise GOD they both passed the MRI and ultrasound and all other exams, intricate legal procedure and DNA challenge before the procedure, thanks for all your Prayers, it’s a long wait though, Noeme is 6-8 hours to take part of her liver, side by side with Audeh who has much longer procedure 8-12 hours , no matter how long we are willing to wait, fingers crossed but lifted in heaven for we claim victory and success of the procedure!!! We believed in our hearts Audeh will be a living testimony of how Good JESUS is!!
Someday soon, he is the first child who will shout the world… “i am the product of the prayers of Feed Hungry Minds Library Inc. Life changers, prayer warriors, volunteers and donors and sponsors, brother Glenn thank you!!!! And GOD the healer!”
Continue to pray for him, Noeme the mom and our FHM volunteer Gras Ya and all the medical team and the doctors who will do the said procedure!!
#labanniaudeh#prayforaudeh #changinglives #missionbeyondmusic
#feedhungryminds #missioninindia #feededucatechange#arpieandthemultivitamins
November 14, 2018
First of all Let me praise and glorify the LORD for a very successful operation yesterday that lasted more than 12 hours, in Delhi India. HE is the Healer of all Healers! Doctor of all Doctors, Surgeon of all Surgeons. ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Secondly we from Feed Hungry Minds Library Inc. Can never thank you enough for ur prayer marathons and monitorings and follow ups, and waiting for updates. Thank you prayer warriors!
Thirdly thank you bro, Glenn, Gras Ya for all your sacrifices and patience, thank u to my tireless team Maribel Hernandez Maricel Anderson Julius Cawaling for the dedications, and thank u to all the medical team and all the doctors in India!
Lastly, salamat sa mga Angels ko na patuloy nakagabay sa akin at di nila ako sinukuan!
Labyu all and labyu JESUS pinupuri kita sa lahat ng milagro at pagmamahal sa amin!
Picture was taken today (patago) Audeh Josehp Guia looks perfect, noeme looks a liitle pale but will be ok and will be transfere to regular room soon as she recovers.
Praise GOD!

November 16, 2018
Glorifying GOD for the miracles, Audeh started to talk today asking for his mother who is in the other room, both are recovering. Tomorrow he is allowed to take soup, today he is complaining his wound still hurts. Been telling him because he has a new liver from his mom. While Noeme is getting stronger and recovering fast.
Praise GOD, doctors said Audeh is recovering and responded in the transplant positively! Its a miraculous procedure!
Keep praying for him and his mom, sana diretso na ang kanilang pag galing in JESUS name! God bless you all! ❤️❤️❤️
November 16, 2018
Praise GOD! Keep praying for him, noeme will be transferred to an ordinary ward tomorrow or today, while Audeh stays in the ICU for 2 more Weeks but now allowed to take small amount of soft food and soup!
Click image and compare the difference!!! Glory to GOD the healer!!
November 22, 2018
As of now our volunteer worker, Grace is not not allowed in the ICU to avoid, viral infections. We continue to monitor them, every now and then, and wel will continue to give u updates of his condition.
Pls continue pray for audeh’s recovey for he is still in high risk though responding to all his medications as per his doctors, but we believe GOD has already given us the answer of a new life… YES and AMEN!!!