Become one of our most valued partners by donating to the FEED HUNGRY MINDS. All donations will go to various projects that will benefit poor elementary and high school students as well as the out of school youth.

For bank deposits, please refer below:
PSBank Legaspi branch
Peso Savings account: Feed Hungry Minds Library Inc.
Account number: 147-332000461
PS Bank Legaspi City Branch
Account name: Feed Hungry Minds Library Inc.
Dollar account 147-1320000471
Swift code: PHSBPHMM
Routing number: 026002846
Please notify us via email ( along with the deposit slip or screenshot of transfer (if online).
FEED HUNGRY MINDS accommodates youth and professional volunteers to assist in our programs in the communities. Projects are open for volunteer works that includes tutorials, remedial classes, read-along program, feeding program, health-medical and dental missions, cause related events and fund raising events.
You can be part of Feed Hungry Minds by just completing the form at the bottom of this page.
“If you give food the the hungry and satisfy those whoa re in need, then the darkness around you will turn into the brightness of noon.”
Isiah 58:10
Please fill up form below and enter your pledges and/or volunteer service in the message box.
Thanks and GOD BLESS YOU for your generosity.
From the bottom of our hearts…
Thank you very much.