FHM at Dialysis Center
December 18, 2019
If we can’t bless a hundred dialysis patients bless at least half, and let them feel the love of JESUS through us.
Yesterday’s (Dec18,2019) Hospital Mission from your hearts to their hands…..
Ligao City Albay Emergency Hosp. Dialysis center.
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for you are my praise.” The Good News: Healing goes hand in hand with thanksgiving and praise. God rewards a grateful heart. “Then he touched their eyes [of the blind men] and said, ‘According to your faith let it be done to you.

Feed Hungry Minds Library Inc. at the Emergency Hospital Dialysis Center, Ligao City, Albay suprising each patient with a Bag of Hope, noche buenapacks.. 70 dialysis patients were more than happy to meet FHM and we were more than hapoy to serve them with these ‘bags of hope’..!! It was a touching moment to see their thankfulness and joy in their teary eyes.. one patient stood up to say how happy she was and that it was the first time ever to get a gift while going thru dialysis..